Dr. Mikamo’s Japanese edition of “Rising from the Ashes”, “8ji15fun Hiroshima de Ikinuite Yurusu Kokoro (8:15 – Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima)” (Kodansha Editorial) has been nominated for the 2015 Hiroshima-Book Grand Prix award.
The award is a regional event in Hiroshima prefecture to nominate and select the Grand Prix in 2 categories (“Novels” and “Others”) from all the books that are related to Hiroshima (either the setting is in Hiroshima, the author was born in Hiroshima, or the content is related to Hiroshima), published between Nov 2013 and Oct 2014.
“8:15″ is one of the 4 nominated books for the “Novel” category. Bookstores in the region will be having a “Book Fair for the 2015 Hiroshima-Book Grand Prix Nominated” from Jan – March 2015. The winner in each category will be announced in late March, followed by an award ceremony in late May.
広島本大賞 (Hiroshima-Book Grand Prix Facebook page)